Freitag, 29. August 2014

Inuit Mask

Serie- "komme nicht voran!" inuit - nuit in uit! 
Farbabstufungen Plastizität-
Struktur Materialität-

Donnerstag, 21. August 2014

Schachfigur / Keltische Münze aus Zinnbronze


- work in progress -
- Object - pointing out the shape -
- exerimentation - line width - colouring and gradient shades -
- todo -
- overlay wood structure -
- variation in surface areas and light reflection -

version -
working out materiality - 
texture structure of tin bronze with masks -
(underlaying a photograph) -
bushtool - schmutzpinsel -0.05pt - 0.25pt. in

Archeological find - idealisation -
Basics for object rendering and material imitation  - 
Focussing on lightning and structure -
Working out engraving (---) and materiality -

Adobe Illustrator - 3d- / shade effects/ brushtool / masks

Mittwoch, 20. August 2014

Seidenhaarmoos / Silbermoos

bryum  plastischer mit blau und leucht grün
grimmia puvinata, zwischenstufe, evtl schauen wie
die weissen Haare an oberen Blattenden ausgearbeitet werden können

The idea is to work out the shape of bryophyte species
by colouring shades and lightenings. Structure and appearance
of the capsule differ in species. Some are even transparent.
This should become visible in the painting

made in Photoshop - digital paintig - overlay

Freitag, 15. August 2014

Mittwoch, 13. August 2014

Late Middle Ages - Archaelogy

Objekt  Infografik
font: archeologicaps & times

made in
 adobe photoshop - photo editing (structure wood) &
adobe  illustrator - pen tool  (knight figure and lance) & 
analogue - rapidograp - pencil  (lance tip, ironstructure)

Freitag, 8. August 2014

Icon Design

corss - sections -  sagittal - alignment

haptisch  auditiv  visuell
made in adobe illustrator - pen tool

Montag, 4. August 2014

Rosalia alpina - line drawing

Different line width in a drawing defines 
amongst others the shape of an objetct
 and focusses important sites. 
This drawing is about handling diferent line thickness.
The definition of the species 
ist though less important than giving a chance 
to different line shapes corresponding 
to the real shape of the beetle.

made in adobe illustrator - pen tool

Sonntag, 3. August 2014