Donnerstag, 21. August 2014

Schachfigur / Keltische Münze aus Zinnbronze


- work in progress -
- Object - pointing out the shape -
- exerimentation - line width - colouring and gradient shades -
- todo -
- overlay wood structure -
- variation in surface areas and light reflection -

version -
working out materiality - 
texture structure of tin bronze with masks -
(underlaying a photograph) -
bushtool - schmutzpinsel -0.05pt - 0.25pt. in

Archeological find - idealisation -
Basics for object rendering and material imitation  - 
Focussing on lightning and structure -
Working out engraving (---) and materiality -

Adobe Illustrator - 3d- / shade effects/ brushtool / masks

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